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Rockin_ Around The Christmas Tree

Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree lyrics

Rockin' around the Christmas tree
At the Christmas party hop
Mistletoe hung where you can see
Every couple tries to stop

Rockin' around the Christmas tree
Let the Christmas spirit ring
Later we'll have some pumpkin pie
And we'll do some caroling

You will get a sentimental feelin' when you hear
Voices singing let's be jolly
Deck the halls with boughs of holly

Rockin' around the Christmas tree
At the Christmas party hop
Mistletoe hung where you can see
Every couple tries to stop

Rockin' around the Christmas tree
Let the Christmas spirit ring
Later we'll have some pumpkin pie
And we'll do some caroling

Voices singing let's be jolly
Deck the halls with boughs of holly

Rockin' around the Christmas tree
Have a happy holiday
Everyone's dancing merrily
In the new old fashioned way

Rockin' around the Christmas tree
Have a happy holiday
Everyone's dancing merrily
In the new old fashioned way

Címkék: zene  

Kategória: Zene

Látta 231 ember.

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