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Lady In Black - Uriah Heep

She came to me one morning
One lonely Sunday morning
Her long hair flowing
In the midwinter wind
I know not how she found me
For in darkness I was walking
And destruction lay around me
From a fight I could not win
Ah ah ah ...

She asked me name my foe then
I said the need within some men
To fight and kill their brothers
Without thought of love or God
And I begged her give me horses
To trample down my enemy
So eager was my passion
To devour this waste of life
Ah ah ah ...

But she would not think of battle that
REDUCES men to animals
So easy to begin
And then impossible to end
For she, the mother of all men
had counselled me so wisely then
I feared to walk alone again
And asked if she would stay
Ah ah ah ...

Oh lady lend your hand I cried
And let me rest here at your side
Have faith and trust
In me she said
And filled my heart with life
There is no strength in numbers
Have no such misconception
But when you need me
Be assured I won't be far away
Ah ah ah ...

Thus having spoke she turned away
And though I found no words to say
I stood and watched until I saw
Her black form disappear
My labor is no easier
But now I know I'm not alone
I find new heart each time
I think upon that windy day
And if one day she comes to you
Drink deeply from her words so wise
Take courage from her
As your prize
And say hello for me
Ah ah ah ...

Címkék: zene  

Kategória: Zene

Látta 203 ember.

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Meghallgattam öt videót mindegyik nagyon jó volt és kiváló zenei ízlésre vall! Ha rossz kedvem lesz csak az általad választott felvételeket nézem meg !Ez az utolsó is csodálatos hangszerelés volt!Köszönöm és gratulálok ! Gabi


Kaszáné Tóbiás Mária üzente 15 éve

Kedves János! Ezt a dalt most is IMÁDOM........)!


Kaszáné Tóbiás Mária üzente 15 éve

Nagyon szeretem ezt a dalt!! IMÁDOM!! Ez egy szuper felvétel-és előadás! Köszi-köszi!


Impresszum Kft.
