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Ez a funkció csak regisztrált tagoknak elérhető. Csatlakozz most a Networkhöz vagy ha már tag vagy, lépj be itt:

- Kelly Family-House on the ocean (Streetlife) -

All I ever wanted in my life
Was a house on the ocean, with my will
Something's tellin' me in my eyes
You're not living, you're dying
In your world


Please don't die
Try not to say goodbye
Please don't die
Try not to say goodbye
Try not to make, make me cry

All I ever wanted to do
Is chop wood for my fire, for winter
But all you ever picked up as young
Is get a job and you'll go higher
In your world


Please don't die
Try not to say goodbye
Please don't die
Try not to say goodbye
Try not to make, make me cry

All I ever had to do
Was with living or dying, in this world
All I ever wanted in my life
Was a house on the ocean
With my will


Please don't die
Try not to say goodbye
Please don't die
Try not to say goodbye
Try not to make, make me cry

Címkék: zene  

Kategória: Zene

Látta 280 ember.

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Megyeri Edit üzente 14 éve

Ez a szám is csodálatos volt, és az ő másik számukat az Angel-t is nagyon szeretem és szívesen hallgatom, amitől kikapcsolódom. Köszönöm kedves János.


Impresszum Kft.
