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Ez a funkció csak regisztrált tagoknak elérhető. Csatlakozz most a Networkhöz vagy ha már tag vagy, lépj be itt:

Margit blogja - 2018. március

Welcome to the game.

Help us test the new exciting WaveScore site, start earning when you are here!

And stay with us to get more points.

This week we get more 25 points than ever!

Check out this new preview!

New features:

Enter the top 50 to join the winning circle. The higher the rank, the bigger the prize.
You get 25 points for the winner and you get 25 points each time you know it. The maximum points for stay and the dashboard are often checks. If you have not signed in when new winners enter, they will miss you.



WaveScore Facebbokhoz similar to, but not because here we get points, which you can change dollars! I want to collect a lot of friends working together joy, friendships, good társaság.Kövess us to become a super team, gather friends, share good videos, have fun!


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