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Gole Goldoon (Flower of flowerpot or flower-vase) گل گلدون by Simin Ghanem (سيمين غانم)
Iran, Iranian, Songs, Lyrics translated into English, Persian, Farsi, Music
Gole Goldoon (Flower of flowerpot or flower-vase) گل گلدون by Simin Ghanem (سيمين غانم)
Translation: Mozhgan
گل گلدون من، شکسته در باد
Gole goldoone man shekaste dar bad
Flower of my flowerpot is broken in wind
تو بيا تا دلم نکرده فرياد
To bia ta delam nakarde faryad
Come to me before my heart shouts
گل شب بو ديگه شب، بو نمي ده
Gole shab boo dige shab, boo nemide
Wallflower (fragrant flower) doesn't give out scent at night any more
کي گل شب بو رو از شاخه چيده؟
Ki gole shab boo ro az shakhe chide
Who picked up wallflower from its brance?
گوشه آسمون، پر رنگين کمون
Goosheye asemoon, pore rangin kamoon
In ther corner of the sky, full of rainbows
من مثه تاريکي، تو متل مهتاب
Man mese tariki, to mesle mahtab
I'm like darkness, you are like moonlight.
اگه باد از سر زلف تو نگذره
Age bad az sare zolfe to nagzare
If wind not passes your head by
من ميرم گم مي شم تو جنگل خواب
Man miram gom misham too jangale khab
I will be lost into jungle of sleep (dream)
گل گلدون من، ماه ايوون من
Gole goldoone man, mahe eyvoone man
Flower of my flowerpot, moon of my veranda
از تو تنها شدم چو ماهي از آب
Az to tanha shodam cho mahi az ab
I got alone without you like a fish without water
گل هر آرزو، رفته از رنگ و بو
Gole har arezoo, rafte az rang o boo
You (flower) is desire of everyone have lost (missed) your color and scent
من شدم رودخونه دلم يه مرداب
Man shodam roodkhoone, delam ye mordab
I got a river, my heart got a lagoon
آسمون آبي مي شه، اما گل خورشيد
Asemoon abi mishe, ama gole khorshid
Sky would be blue (clearing up), but flower of the sun
رو شاخه هاي بيد، دلش مي گيره
Roo shakhe haye bid delesh migire
(flower of the sun) would got gloomy on the branches of willow
داره مهتابي مي شه، اما گل مهتاب
Dare mahtabi mishe, ama gole mahtab
It's getting moonlight, but flower of moonlight
از برکه هاي خواب آلاله ميره
Az berkehaye khab alale mire
(instead of flower of moonlight) Buttercup passes on ponds of sleep (dream)
تو که دست تکون ميدي، به ستاره جون ميدي
To ke dast takoon midi, be setare joon midi
When you wave(shake) your hand, you revive the star
مي شکفه گل از گل باد
Mishkofe gole az gole bad
(and) the flower of wind gets joyful (delighted)
وقتي چشمات هم مياد، دو ستاره کم مياد
Vaghti cheshmat ham miad, do setare kam miad
When you close your eyes, (indeed) two stars are decreased from the sky*
مي سوزه شقايق از داغ
Misooze shaghayegh az dagh
(and) Poppy feels pain so much from stigma**
*It's used Simile here: Your eyes are like stars When you close your eyes it supposed two star don't shine in the sky (lose their light)
**There is a dark or black spot in the center of poppy petals so it seems it has scar (stigma)
Kategória: Zene
Feltöltés ideje: 15 éve
Látta 370 ember.