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Ez a funkció csak regisztrált tagoknak elérhető. Csatlakozz most a Networkhöz vagy ha már tag vagy, lépj be itt:

Fitnessgram pacer test lyrics make up a song which is written by Leger and Lambert and the singer of the fitnessgram pacer song is also Lambert and Leger. The lyrics of the song starts as- this is a multistage aerobic test which get harder and becomes more difficult as it continues…for full details of it, you will have to read further. 

So if you're in search of the complete details about the lyrics and more, then as you scroll down, you will find out all the details related to the lyrics of this song like when it was released, what are the complete lyrics of the song and much more. So keep reading to find out all that.

All details about fitnessgram pacer test lyrics 

So as we are hoping that you are just eager to know about the Fitnessgram Pacer song lyric, then let's have a look at the meaning of the song lyrics. 

Well, the pacer fitnessgram test is actually an aerobic capacity test which progressively becomes quite difficult and even harder as it continues. This is a 20 metre test of pacer which will be beginning in just 30 seconds. Line up fast at the start. The running speed will start slowly but eventually gets faster each minute after you hear the signal. A sing lap should also be completed every time you hear this sound. Don’t forget and just remember to only run in a straight line and just run as long as it is possible for you. The second time when you fail to complete a lap before you hear the sound, your test is over there! Now the test will begin on the word start which is as: ‘On your mark. Get ready and start!, and now you can start again. 

Now do you know when this test really gets over? Well, this test is over once the person can no longer match with the beep and keep the pace or when the person begins to run even before the beep for two times which also means false start or if they continue to run after they have lost their pace with the on going beep. The student is also informed that they have finished and they should report their respective scores directly. 

What are the key factors about fitnessgram pacer test song lyrics?

There are some factors about these lyrics that you must know to have complete knowledge about it. These are:

  1. The Fitnessgram Pacer Test Song is a song which will become your favourite track once you start listening to it and once you truly understand the inner meaning of the lyrics as it tells a lot. The lyrics of the fitnessgram pacer song was written by Lambert and Leger and this song was initially released in the year 1982. 

  1. The singers of this fitness pacer song are Lambert and Leger. 

  1. The fitness pacer song is covered by the Cover Name which actually makes everyone go crazy about it.

  1. The Fitnessgram Pacer Test Song starts with the “Fitnessgram Pacer Test” which is actually a multistage aerobic capacity test that will progressively become more difficult and tougher as it continues. 

  1. A big thanks goes to the lyricists of this song who made this song that reached great heights and was loved by everyone.


The fitnessgram pacer test lyrics definitely makes a strong song which tells about a test that very well and progressively becomes difficult as it continues. It is written and sung both by Leger and Lambert and they released it in the year 1982, officially. This song has received love and it also reached great heights for which all thanks goes to the lyricists of this song.


If you haven’t heard this song till now, then go and give it a try and find yourself it is really worthy of all the attention.



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