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Juman Malouf is a multi-talented artist and writer from Beirut, Lebanon. Juman was born to a family of writers and artists, and her passion for storytelling and design runs in her blood. She has collaborated extensively with her partner, American filmmaker Wes Anderson, on various projects throughout his career, contributing to his films' visual and narrative aspects. In today's article, we will learn about Juman Malouf.


Juman Malouf: 

Juman Malouf was born in Beirut, Lebanon, on February 16, 1975. She was the daughter of the renowned Lebanese novelist Hanan al-Shaykh and construction engineer Fouad Malouf. Juman's early life was marked by displacement due to the Lebanese Civil War, which broke out shortly after her birth. When she was only three months, her mother fled the country with Juman and her older brother, Tarek, on borrowed money. The family reached London on the last plane before the airport closed and eventually settled in the UK in the early 1980s. 

Juman attended an American school in London and later moved to the United States, earning a bachelor's degree in Fine Arts and Art History from Brown University. She also obtained an MFA from the Tisch School of the Arts for Set and Costume Design. Juman has spoken about struggling with her identity due to displacement but has also credited her diverse upbringing for her creativity and inspiration.


Juman Malouf's career has been diverse, spanning several fields. After receiving her master's degree in set and costume design, she worked as a set designer for theatres around New York. However, she eventually realized she wanted to create her own work rather than work on someone else's creation. In the early 2000s, she launched her fashion label, Charlotte Corday. Still, she found that the fashion industry needed more depth she craved, and the stories she created for her clothing designs went beyond the clothes themselves.

Malouf eventually found her true calling in writing and illustration. Her debut children's fantasy novel, The Trilogy of Two, was released in 2015, and she also provided illustrations for the book. She has since contributed to her partner Wes Anderson's films by providing voice-over work, designing book covers, and creating character illustrations. Additionally, she and Anderson curated an exhibit at the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna in 2018.

Relationship Status:

Juman Malouf has been in a long-term relationship with acclaimed filmmaker Wes Anderson since the early 2000s. The couple first met in London while Juman was a costume designer and Wes was directing his breakthrough film, Rushmore. Since then, they have been inseparable, living together in various cities worldwide, including New York, Paris, and London.


In conclusion, Juman Malouf is a multi-talented artist. From theatre set design to fashion and writing, she has pursued her passions with dedication and a desire to create. Her collaborations with her partner Wes Anderson in his films and her own writing and illustration projects have brought her critical acclaim and success. Juman's unique perspective, informed by her Lebanese heritage and experiences of displacement and travel, shines through in her work, making her a truly original voice in art and storytelling.

Címkék: juman malouf


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